Welcome to the Audrey II build tutorial page. On this page you’ll learn how to assemble and solder your Audrey II horrorscape synthesizer. Please take your time as you progress, in particular when soldering the Daisy Seed board.

Embrace the journey, and feel free to ask for help on our Discord server if you get stuck at any phase.

Thank you. Enjoy!

Roey Tsemah | Synthux Academy founder

Before we get started

Audrey II is built on the Simple Designer board. If you haven’t built one of our kits before, please check out the video course here → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgZ_RiE624A&list=PLBrCYHmNvufV7lut5jvI3nQBljzQ4WVxz. Some things I cover there include:

  1. The tools needed
  2. How is the Simple Designer board designed
  3. How to connect components
  4. How to solder the male and female headers for the Daisy Seed

Open source

If you are a programmer, or a hacker of sorts, check out our Github open source library. Audrey II is available there, and many other instruments. The code is well structured and you are encouraged to explore and design your own instruments with it.

Audrey build tutorial

The video below covers almost all the steps to build your Audrey II. It skips the soldering of the female headers and Daisy Seed itself. If you need help with that, please scroll down to Preparing the board to see a step-by-step guide for soldering the headers.

Note for Windows users

If you’re on windows and the browser doesn’t recognise your Daisy seed, read through the following blog post for instructions:


Build tutorial